Natural Science subject curriculum (NAT1-03)


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Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated in the competence aims where they contribute to the development of competence in the subject, while also being part of this competence. In the subject of Natural science the basic skills are understood as follows:

Oral skills in Natural science means listening, speaking and conversing to describe, share and develop knowledge with content about natural science related to observations and experiences. This involves using natural science concepts to communicate knowledge and to formulate questions, arguments and explanations. Furthermore, it involves adapting to different forms of expression, concepts and examples to suit the objective and recipient. Development of oral skills in Natural Science begins with being able to listen and converse about experiences and observations so pupils can present and discuss more and more complex themes. This involves an increasing use of natural science concepts to express understanding, to form opinions and to participate in academic discussions.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Natural science means using text genres from the natural sciences to formulate questions and hypotheses, write plans and formulate explanations, compare and reflect on information and use sources in a purposeful manner. This also involves describing one’s observations and experiences, comparing information, argumenting one’s viewpoints and reporting from field work, experiments and processes related too technological development. The writing process starts with planning and moves to preparing and presenting texts and involves the use of natural science and scientific concepts, diagrams and symbols that are suited to the objective and the recipient. Development of writing proficiency in the subject of Natural science begins with using simple forms of expression to gradually using more precise natural science and scientific concepts, symbols, graphic presentation and argumentation. This involves being able to write more and more complex texts based on critical and varied use of sources that are suited to the objective and the recipient.

Being able to read in Natural science means understanding and using natural science and scientific concepts, symbols, diagrams and arguments through goal-oriented work with natural science texts. This involves being able to identify, interpret and use information from composite texts in books, newspapers, operating manuals, rules, brochures and digital sources. Reading in Natural science includes critical assessment of how information is presented and used in arguments, e.g. by being able to distinguish between data, assumptions, assertions, hypotheses and conclusions. The development of reading proficiency in Natural science begins with finding and using expressed information from simple texts to understanding texts with more and more complex terminology, symbols, diagrams, tables and implicit information. The demand to read critically, the ability to identify relevant information and evaluate the credibility of a source increases from being about to use appropriate sources to being able to gather and compare information from different sources and evaluate their relevance.

Numeracy in Natural science means gathering, processing and presenting figures and numbers. This involves using concepts, measuring instruments, measuring devices, formulas and visual graphics. Math related to the subject of Natural science involves being able to compare, evaluate and argue for the validity of calculations, results and presentations. The development of simple calculation proficiency in the subject of Natural science begins with using simple methods for counting and classification to being able to evaluate the choice of methods, concepts, formulas and measuring instruments. Furthermore, it involves gradually being able to make more advanced presentations and assessment and using math in academic argumentation.

Digital skills in Natural science means using digital tools to explore, record, calculate, visualise, document and publish data from own and other’s studies, experiments and fieldwork. This also involves using tools to search for information, mastering searching and research strategies, learning to evaluate sources critically and selecting relevant information about themes within natural sciences. The development of digital skills in Natural science begins with digital literacy to gradually learn more complex degrees of independence and judgment in choosing and using digital sources, tools, media and information.

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