Natural Science subject curriculum (NAT1-03)


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Natural science is the result of human curiosity and our need to find answers to questions about our existence, life and life forms, and our place in nature and the universe, and in this way it becomes part of our culture.

The laws and theories of natural science are models of a complex reality, and these models are changed or developed through new observations, experiments and ideas. An important part of general knowledge is to realise that the natural science are in constant development, and that research and new knowledge in natural science and technology have great importance for societal development and the environment in which we live.

Even though natural science is divided into disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry and geo-science subjects, the aim is that natural science shall appear as a holistic school subject, both theoretically and practically.

Knowledge on, understanding of and experiences in nature can strengthen the will to protect natural resources, preserve biological diversity and contribute to sustainable development. In this context, the Sami and other indigenous peoples have knowledge of nature that is important to respect. Natural science shall also help children and young persons attain knowledge and form attitudes that will give them a well balanced view of the interaction between nature, individuals, technology, society and research. This is important for the individual pupil's possibilities to understanding different types of information related to the natural sciences and technology. This shall provide the individual with the basis for participating in processes in society.

Practical and theoretical work in laboratories and in the field using different problems and questions is necessary to gain experience with and develop knowledge of the methods and approaches in natural science. This may contribute to developing creativity, critical abilities, openness and active participation in situations involving natural science knowledge and expertise. Varied learning environments such as fieldwork in nature, experiments in the laboratory and excursions to museums, science centres and business enterprises/industries will enhance the teaching in natural science and impart a sense of wonder, curiosity and fascination. Competence in understanding different types of natural science texts, methods and technological solutions gives a good basis for vocational training, further studies and lifelong learning, both at work and in one's leisure time.

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