Examples of connections


Competence aims after mathematics 1P

  • read, extract and evaluate mathematics in texts about situations from the local environment, do calculations related to this, and present and argue for the results
  • explore how different premises may impact how mathematical problems from society and working life are solved
  • model situations related to issues from society and the workplace, present and argue for the results and for when the models are valid
  • identify variable quantities in different situations and use them for exploration and generalisation
  • interpret and use formulas that apply to society and the workplace
  • use percentages, percentage points, thousandths and growth factors in calculations, and present and justify solutions
  • explore, describe and apply the concepts of proportionality and inverse proportionality
  • interpret and use compound units of measurements in practical contexts and choose suitable units of measurement
  • interpret and use functions in mathematical modelling and problem solving
  • plan, carry out and present independent work related to mathematical modelling and functions within social studies topic areas
  • use digital tools in exploration and problem solving related to the properties of functions, and discuss the solutions
  • interpret and calculate using radical expressions, powers and numbers in standard form

Formative assessment

Assessment of coursework