Curriculum for Sausage Making Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment (PMF3-01)

Utgår gradvis

Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2022

Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan

After Vg3

Raw materials and production

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • plan, carry out, evaluate and document the production of minced meat, sausage meat, sausage products and different kinds of cold cuts
  • compliance with systems and routines for receiving goods
  • perform production work, packaging, labelling, storage and distribution according to current legislation and the company’s quality management system
  • give an account of relevant animal anatomy and the structure of meat
  • recognise and describe different raw meats and by-products used in the trade
  • give an account of the properties of meat and their composition and utilise this in production
  • develop recipes and produce foods in accordance with current legislation
  • explain the different chemical reactions that occur during the production of foodstuffs
  • master different treatment techniques and processes used for the production of minced meat, sausage meat, sausage products and assorted products
  • use nutritional supplements and additives according to existing legislation and recipes
  • discuss and elaborate on how raw materials, additives and production methods influence a product's nutritional content
  • give an account of any allergic reactions that can arise from prepared meat products
  • use available information technology for calculating recipes and do product calculations
  • select and use hand tools, machines and equipment in a professionally correct manner
  • mantle and dismantle machines and equipment for different products
  • perform preventive maintenance
  • use different kinds of intestine casings that are utilised in production
  • use different methods for smoking, boiling and frying in production
  • explain the significance of relative humidity and drying loss
  • plan work and use flow charts
  • use available technology in the production process, extract operational data and make corrections based on deviations
  • identify abnormal conditions in work operations, analyse errors and make corrections
  • follow cleaning routines, cleaning inspection schedules and carry out preventive maintenance on premises, machines and equipment, and give an account of the consequences of any deviations

Hygiene and quality management

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • practice good personal, production and food industry hygiene according to current legislation and the company’s quality management system
  • comply with existing rules and routines for the movement of people and the flow of goods, and give an account of hygiene zones
  • follow routines for preventing and fighting insects and other harmful vermin
  • give an account of the tasks of inspectorate authorities and areas where the inspectorate applies to the company

Trade, company and environment

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • discuss and elaborate on the relationship between productivity, quality and the company's own working environment
  • discuss and elaborate on the framework conditions in the trade and the company's place in society
  • discuss and elaborate on which factors can influence economic results
  • give an account of content in relevant national and international legislation applicable to the consumer 's rights and obligations, including rules about the right of appeal
  • give an account of consumer rights and requirements for product labelling and food safety and current rules and regulation in this area
  • comply with the company's rules for professional customer service
  • use digital tools during production and when selling products
  • comply with current legislation for environment, health and safety and the use of protective clothing and equipment
  • discuss and elaborate on the responsibilities of a sausage maker to protect the environment, and give an account of how this can be done in practice at work
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles

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