Curriculum for Sausage Making Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment (PMF3-01)

Utgår gradvis

Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2022

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Main subject areas

Raw materials and production

The main subject area is concerned with raw meats, nutritional supplements and additives, areas of use and composition. It also covers recipe calculations, estimates, production, manufacturing and packaging. This also includes the use and basic maintenance of machines and equipment in small businesses and industrial production companies.

Hygiene and quality management

The main subject area is concerned with quality management systems, internal control, personal hygiene and hygiene for the food trades in general. This also includes relevant rules, cleaning routines, hygiene zones and the role of inspectorate authorities.

Trade, company and environment

The main subject area is concerned with the company's business concept and its place in society, and framework conditions for the trade in general. It also covers environment, health and safety.

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