
Competence aims after Year 7

Numbers and algebra in practice

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • describe and use the place value system for decimal numerals, reckon with positive and negative whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages, and place these along a number line
  • find common denominators and carry out addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions
  • develop and use methods for counting in his or her head, make estimates and written calculations, and use a calculator for these methods
  • describe the reference system and the notation used in formulas in a spreadsheet, and use spreadsheets to carry out and present simple calculations
  • find information in texts or in practical situations, choose an arithmetic operation and provide rationale for the choice, assess the results and present and discuss the chosen solutions
  • explore and describe structures and changes in geometric patterns and number patterns using figures, words and formulas
  • solve simple equations, solve problems using brackets for addition, subtraction and multiplication of whole numbers


The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • analyse characteristics of two- and three-dimensional figures and describe physical objects from day-to-day life and technology using geometric terms
  • build three-dimensional models, draw perspectives with a vanishing point and discuss the processes and the result
  • describe and carry out mirroring, rotation and parallel displacement
  • describe locating and moving around a grid, on a map and within a coordinate system, with and without the use of digital tools, and use coordinates to calculate parallel distances with axes in a coordinate system


The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • select suitable measuring tools and carry out practical measurements in connection with day-to-day life and technology, and assess the results based on precision and measuring uncertainty
  • make estimates and measure magnitudes for length, area, mass, volume, angle and time, and use time and time intervals in simple calculations, then discuss the results and assess the reasonableness of the results
  • choose suitable measurement units and convert between different measurement units
  • explain the structure of measurements for length, area and volume and calculate the circumference and area, surface and volume of simple two- and three-dimensional figures
  • use a scale to calculate distances and prepare and converse about maps and work drawings, with and without using digital tools
  • use proportions in practical connections, calculate velocity and convert between currencies

Statistics and probability

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • plan and collect data in connection with observations, questionnaires and experiments
  • represent data in tables and graphs that are produced digitally and manually, with and without using digital tools, and read, interpret and assess their usefulness
  • find median, mode and averages for simple data sets and assess them in relation to each other
  • assess and converse about probability in day-to-day contexts, games and experiments and calculate probability in simple situations

Side 8 Av 14

Fant du det du lette etter?


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