
Competence aims after 1P-Y - Vg1 vocational education programme

Numbers and algebra in practice

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • make estimates of answers, calculate with practical tasks, with and without technical aids, and assess how reasonable the results are
  • interpret, process, assess and discuss the mathematical content of written, oral and graphic presentations
  • simplify polynomial expressions, solve equations of the first order and simple quadratic equations
  • interpret and use formulas that apply to day-to-day life and working life
  • calculate with proportions, percentages, percentage points and growth factors
  • deal with proportional and inversely proportional magnitudes in practical contexts


The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • use and provide rationale for congruence, scales and the Pythagorean theorem for calculations and in practical work
  • solve practical problems involving length, angle, area and volume
  • do calculations using different measurement units and measuring tools, and analyse the precision of measurement accuracy and assess how uncertain the measurement are
  • interpret, make and use sketches and working drawings for problems from cultural and working life, and present these and provide rationale for one’s chosen solutions


The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • explain and calculate using price indices, currency values, real wages and nominal wages, and calculate income, taxes and charges
  • evaluate consumption, use of credit cards and set up a budget and accounts using a spreadsheet
  • investigate and evaluate different forms of loans and savings

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