Curriculum for Equestrian VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (HST3-01)


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Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan


The use of horses for work and competition has long traditions. Horses are being used more and more in traditional and modern contexts. There is an increasing demand for skilled professionals who can handle and care for horses and who can guide and instruct the public and fellow tradesmen. Skilled equestrian workers are in demand in fields like harness racing, horseriding and buggy rides and gallop racing. There is also a need for equestrians at stud farms and companies that use horses for activities related to health, tourism and leisure activities.

Equestrian studies shall prepare the apprentice to become a skilled equestrian. The subject shall give the equestrian knowledge of horses and the different areas where horses are used and the skills necessary for handling and using them. The subject shall emphasise the distinctive characteristics of working with animals, and the requirements set for ethics and environment, health and safety for the subject. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall promote an understanding of human and horse interaction. Learning in the subject shall help give insight into how one can develop new business ventures related to the use of horses.

Through a multitude of activities, learning in the subject shall arrange for the apprentice to experience mastery, develop interpersonal skills and learn professionalism with a thought to animal welfare, the natural environment and ethics. Learning in the subject shall promote an understanding of working with animals that requires decisions-making skills and creativity. Learning in the subject shall lay the foundation for further specialisation in equestrian studies.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Equestrian.

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