Examples of connections


Competence aims and assessment nature-based business activities

  • reflect on the requirements and expectations that a professional must have in relation to collaboration and participation in the social debate on nature, the use of resources and management
  • plan, complete and assess nature-based business activities and describe an associated value chain
  • explore examples of local products and business development based on technological developments, local resources, culture and tradition
  • present commercial activities, products or services for various target groups
  • discuss how nature-based products and services can be developed within the framework of sustainable development and resource management
  • describe and assess similarities and differences in the practice of occupation in various forms of agriculture, fishing and forestry
  • orient him or herself in nature with the use of traditional and modern methods and technical aids
  • choose and use equipment and clothing according to the situation, conditions in nature and the climate, and carry out simple maintenance on equipment
  • assess risks and carry out nature-based activities taking into account their own safety and the safety of others
  • carry out basic first aid

Formative assessment

Assessment of coursework