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Samfunnsfag - SAF01-04
Samfunnskunnskap - SAK01-01

Competence aims after year 1/2 in upper secondary school (Vg1/ Vg2)

The Researcher

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • formulate a problem from current social science issues and write a discursive text using terminology, varied sources and referencing to sources
  • explore local, national or global problems of current interest and discuss and elaborate on the different recommendations for solutions, orally and in writing, with precise use of social science terminology
  • use a variety of digital search strategies to find and compare information that describes problems from different points of view and evaluate the objectives and relevance of one’s sources
  • use concurrent and contradictory information from statistics to discuss and elaborate on a social science issue
  • discuss and elaborate on social science themes in a digital arena for discussion and evaluate one’s understanding in light of input from the other participants in the arena

The individual, society and culture

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • define key concepts associated with socialisation and apply these to examine features of socialisation of young people in Norway
  • discuss and elaborate on consumer rights and discuss consumer ethical responsibilities
  • calculate income and plan family budgets using various tools and assess how saving and loans influence personal economy
  • analyse the extent of different forms of criminality and assault, discuss and elaborate on ways to prevent such behaviour, and explain how a modern state governed by law functions
  • define the concept of culture and explain how culture, gender roles and different forms of family and cohabitation vary from place to place, and how these have changed over time
  • describe the main features of Sami culture today and reflect on what it means to be an indigenous person
  • discuss how religious, ethnicity and cultural variation create opportunities and challenges
  • discuss and elaborate on the causes of prejudice, racism and discrimination and what measures can counteract these

Working and commercial life

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • use digital tools to collect information on numerous professions and discuss opportunities and challenges in the labour market today
  • reflect on the value of having employment and what characterises a good working environment
  • elaborate on causes of unemployment and discuss ways of reducing unemployment
  • discuss ethical problems related to the workplace and employment
  • give an account of employee and employer organizations and their place in working life and explain the factors that influence wages and working conditions
  • evaluate the opportunities for and challenges to establishing a company and illustrate some of the main features of the profit and loss accounts and balance sheet
  • discuss and elaborate on the value of gender equality and the consequences of a labour market segregated by gender

Politics and democracy

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • explore and discuss how one can participate in and influence the political system through different means and channels
  • give an account of the various challenges faced by democracy, including issues of representation for indigenous peoples and minorities
  • discuss how power and influence vary due to ethnicity and socio-economic conditions
  • discuss the relationship between systems of government, a state governed by law and human rights
  • elaborate on the type of government and the most important political bodies in Norway and discuss and elaborate on a pluralist democracy in relation to indigenous peoples and minorities
  • analyse basic differences between the political parties in Norway
  • elaborate on key features of Norwegian economic policy
  • discuss the main principles of the Norwegian welfare state and the challenges this system faces
  • discuss the concepts economic growth, standard of living, quality of life and sustainable development and the relationship between these

International affairs

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • define the concept of power and provide examples of how power is practised in the world
  • define the concept of globalisation and assess various consequences of globalisation
  • elaborate on the EU's aims and governing bodies and discuss Norway's relationship to the EU
  • find examples of different types of conflicts and human rights violations and discuss and elaborate on what the United Nations and other international operators can do
  • give an account of the different explanations for why the gap between poor and rich counties exists and discuss measures to reduce poverty around the world
  • discuss the characteristics and causes of terrorism

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