Curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities (NOR7-01)


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The curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities may be used in primary and lower secondary school and in upper secondary education and training. The teaching based on this curriculum is meant to promote adapted education in accordance with current regulations in the Education Act and to safeguard linguistic minorities’ need for special instruction in Norwegian. The school owner / the school decide whether mother tongue teaching shall be given in accordance with the curriculum for basic Norwegian for language minorities or in the form of special adaptation within the regular curriculum in Norwegian.

The Education Act section 2-8 (for the 10-year compulsory school) and section 3-12 (upper secondary education and training) states that pupils whose mother tongue is other than Norwegian or Sámi are entitled to special training in Norwegian until they are proficient enough in Norwegian to follow the regular school teaching. If necessary, such pupils are also entitled to mother tongue teaching, bilingual technical training, or both.

It follows from the premise for special Norwegian instruction that the curriculum for basic Norwegian for language minorities is a transitional plan, shall be used only until pupils are able to follow the teaching in accordance with the regular curriculum in Norwegian. The curriculum is level-oriented and not related to age and applies to pupils of different ages and with different experience backgrounds. Before the teaching begins, a decision shall be made for each pupil as to what level in the curriculum the teaching shall serve as a starting point.

One of the main goals for instruction in basic Norwegian is the development of linguistic confidence and self-assurance. The teaching shall promote development in the Norwegian language, so that pupils can be enabled to follow regular instruction in Norwegian and in other subjects taught in Norwegian. The teaching must therefore be seen in relation to the instruction provided in other subjects and in relation to the curriculum for Norwegian. Pupils shall be helped, through the development of good learning strategies and insight into their own language learning, to develop their Norwegian language skills as quickly as possible.

The teaching in basic Norwegian shall cover the instruction in reading and writing and help develop pupils’ vocabulary and grasp of concepts in a variety of subjects. Coordination with instruction in reading and writing in the pupil’s mother tongue and with bilingual technical training may strengthen the teaching in basic Norwegian. The teaching shall also promote intercultural understanding.

It will be natural to use pupils’ various experiences from previous language learning as a point of departure, inside and outside school. Thus, flexibility and individual and local adaptation are key elements in the organization of the teaching.

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