Curriculum for cabinetmaking VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (MSF3-01)

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Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2022

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Main subject areas


The main subject area covers the entire working process and the development of handicraft skills in cabinetmaking. Use of different materials and traditional or recent methods for joining and different surface treatment techniques are all included in the main subject area. The main subject area also covers the use of computerised machines and tools. Quality control and current regulations concerning environment, health and safety are also included.

Product design

The main subject area covers designing products and technical solutions based on sketches, models and working drawings. Selection of materials and surface treatments adapted to the products and to national and international requirement standards are included in the main subject area. The main subject area also covers communicating with customers and suppliers, as well as documentation and estimating the costs of own production.

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