Curriculum for Photography VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (FTG3-01)


Det gis ikke lenger opplæring etter læreplanen, men det kan være mulig å ta eksamen som privatist. Se informasjon om siste eksamen på fagkodene som er knyttet til læreplanen.

After Vg3

Image communication and photography

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • receive, plan, arrange and carry out a photographic assignment and evaluate the result
  • discuss the assignment's possibilities and limitations with the client, and elaborate on these
  • use cameras and camera equipment with different characteristics for different goals, and substantiate your choices
  • arrange or fix the lighting on motives to accentuate and fortify your message, and discuss and elaborate on the choice of lighting
  • use and explain white balance and the different characteristics and colour temperatures of your light source
  • use and substantiate your choice of photosensitivity based on photographing conditions
  • perform and explain photometry under different conditions, such as natural, artificial and direct or indirect light
  • use and explain the effects of focal length, diaphragm and shutter
  • compose and produce an image and explain the basic principles of composition in the image
  • elaborate on the ethical norms and rules for photographing and publishing images
  • discuss and elaborate on existing copyright rules and legislation
  • organise working conditions in an ergonomic manner, and prevent strain injuries
  • work in line with current rules and regulations for environment, health and safety

Image processing and knowledge of production

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • use and discuss software for image processing
  • perform and explain calibration of computer equipment for stable image production
  • perform and explain colour and contrast control, and use colour profiles with different digital output units
  • use and discuss different file formats, resolutions and compressions based on different areas of use for an image
  • give an account of historic developments in photography

Finishing work and quality control

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • use and substantiate your choice of equipment for posttreatment and finishing work based on the needs of the assignment
  • use and substantiate your choice of materials for displaying and presenting image products
  • use, discuss and elaborate on the different storage systems for protecting and keeping photographic material
  • use, maintain and store production equipment

Administration, sales and economy

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • give an account of work tasks, routines, marketing and organising
  • use and explain routines for quality control
  • impart product knowledge to a client
  • carry out an assignment as agreed, and give an account of factors that might influence a deadline
  • prepare a budget for an assignment
  • handle complaints and claims
  • explain quality seen from the perspective of a rational and profitable business
  • use and give an account of payment routines and credit ratings

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