Curriculum for Photography VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (FTG3-01)


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Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Photography, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Photography involves being able to elaborate on ethical, aesthetic and communicative problems and express one's experience of images. It also deals with being able to comment and evaluate one's own and others' images by using professional terminology.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Photography involves using a varied and precise language for quality control work for the various parts of the working process.

Being able to read in Photography involves reading, interpreting and understanding written text, images and other visual means of expressions with various levels of difficulty from numerous genres in different media. It involves comparing, systemising, analysing and evaluating information.

Numeracy in Photography involves being able to set up operation and production estimates for services offered, and understanding and being able to use the basics of calculating image resolution and file sizes.

Digital literacy in Photography involves being able to present images using digital tools. It deals with being able to use such tools to search for and exchange information, as well as photographing, preparing and completing digital image files for different objectives.

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