Curriculum for the elective subject of Physical Activity and Health (FAH1-01)


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Elective subjects shall help pupils develop a desire to learn and experience a sense of mastery, individually and as a group, through practical and varied work. Elective subjects are interdisciplinary subjects that contribute to comprehensive and contextual learning.

Human beings are able to stay physical active throughout their entire lifetime. Forming the foundation for good habits of staying physically active and healthy begin in the childhood and adolescent years. Having a healthy and physically active population is a great benefit to society. Society benefits greatly from citizens who think about and are aware of the relationship between physical activity, diet and health. Competence acquired in this context will be able to promote public health in general and prevent chronic diseases and injuries.

Learning in the elective subject of Physical Activity and Health will lead to better health and enjoyment of life for each pupil. Pupils will be able to participate in a wide range of motivational activities. In the elective subject, pupils will gain insight into the significance of a good balance between acquiring energy and consuming energy. Learning in the subject shall also contribute to developing knowledge and the ability to evaluate nutritional advice and recommendations for daily physical activity.

Participating in a wide range of physical activities is a central theme in the subject. Traditional team sports, individual athletic sports and physical training and exercise activities, different kinds of training and outdoor life are all elements one will find in learning that challenges pupils physically and provides them with positive experiences. Learning in the subject shall focus on enjoying movement, mastering skills, inspiring curiosity and cooperation, and thereby motivating pupils to be physically active before, during and after school. Activities that involve pupils in planning and adapting their particular skill levels will strengthen this objective. Learning in the subject shall also help pupils acquire knowledge that can help them develop healthy eating habits.

The elective subject takes its main elements from the subjects Physical Education and Food and Health. Certain elements from Natural Science may also be included in the elective.

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