Maritime Subjects - Curriculum for common programme subject in Vg2 (MAR2-01)


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The programme area for Maritime Subjects shall lay the foundation for vocational practice on board vessels and floating installations. The national and international community depends on operationally reliable and well-functioning vessels fitted with advanced technology and automated processes. The programme subjects shall help develop skilled personnel with high competence for operating ships. The programme subjects shall contribute to increased awareness about environmental challenges on board, in order to safeguard resources and ensure sustainable development.

Maritime companies operate in an international market and industry and constitute a multicultural and interdisciplinary working community. Teaching shall help to develop the individual’s ability to cooperate and communicate across cultural and professional borders. Understanding the need for safe working practices and a basic understanding of regulations and routines on board vessels shall be key elements in the subject. The programme subjects shall help enhance the pupil’s ability to work independently, make assessments and adjust to change.

Teaching shall include assignments relating to the operational activities of ships. The programme area shall pave the way for a practical and varied training in routines and systems on board. Teaching shall give technical competence with the opportunity for advanced studies and specialisation in the maritime industry.

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