Curriculum for the elective subject of Design and Redesign (DOR1-01)


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Elective subjects shall help pupils develop a desire to learn and experience a sense of mastery, individually and as a group, through practical and varied work. Elective subjects are interdisciplinary subjects that contribute to comprehensive and contextual learning.

Society needs creative and innovative citizens who turn ideas into new products and new businesses. Utilising and developing old or discarded products and materials can help us understand the fact that things around us have a value. This will help develop environmental awareness by directing attention on the individual's role in a consumer-oriented society on a local and global level.

The elective subject of Design and Redesign will help pupils develop creativity and a sense of mastery, along with preserving the traditions of handicrafts and cultural heritage. This is done using practical solutions to turn ideas into finished products as a central aspect of the design process. This work involves planning, designing and turning out a product based on one's own ideas or by working together on a product with others.

Where possible, this process can occur in cooperation with a local business to allow a greater understanding of many different vocations and stimulate pupil interest in value creation within the local community.

The elective subject takes its main elements from Arts & Crafts/Duodji and Social Science.

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