History (HIS01‑03)
Competence aims and assessment

Examples of connections


Competence aims after vg3 Supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification for pupils with Sami as their first or second language or Kven or Finnish as their second language

  • reflect on how the past shapes us as people and how our interpretations of the past are affected by our understanding of the present and expectations for the future
  • discuss the degree to which developments in different periods have been influenced by upheaval or continuity and consider what makes an event in the past meaningful
  • reflect on how the past is used locally and by different stakeholders and discuss the purpose of this use of history
  • explore the past by formulating research questions, assessing and using different material and presenting one’s own conclusions
  • explain important changes in how people have obtained food and used natural resources and assess the significance of this for people and a sustainable society
  • explain how trade and economic systems have affected power relationships and peoples’ lives
  • describe societal changes from antiquity to early modern times and assess their significance for the division and legitimacy of power and opportunities for democratic participation
  • describe the role of religion in society from the Middle Ages to the present day and assess its significance for how people have perceived themselves and others
  • explain the thoughts and ideologies that have underpinned political revolutions from the Age of Enlightenment to the present day and assess their significance for the development of modern democracy
  • reflect on how technological revolutions from the industrial revolution to the present day have change peoples’ lives and shaped expectations for the future
  • explain the reasons why people have migrated and discuss cultural encounters as seen from different perspectives
  • explain the reasons why colonial powers conquered territories and discuss the consequences of this
  • describe the background for the two world wars and a sample of other major wars or conflicts in the twentieth century and reflect on whether peace treaties helped create peace and reconciliation
  • explore the options and choices a person has in conflict situations and assess the consequences of the choices that were made
  • reflect on how ideologies and ways of thinking in the twentieth century and up to the present day have contributed to oppression, terror and such genocides as the Holocaust
  • analyse how portrayals of the past have been used in Norway to create a national identity and discuss the impact of these on different groups
  • explore how people have strived for empowerment and emancipation in Norwegian and Sami history and explain how they have also contributed to the development of democracy
  • explain the development of the welfare state in Norway in the twentieth century and discuss the consequences for peoples’ lives

Formative assessment

Assessment of coursework