History (HIS01‑03)
Competence aims and assessment

Examples of connections


Competence aims after vg3

  • reflect on how interpretations of the past are affected by our understanding of the present and expectations for the future
  • reflect on how the past is used by different stakeholders and discuss the purpose of this use of history
  • explore the past by formulating research questions, assessing and using different materials and presenting one’s own conclusions
  • explore a historic figure and discuss his or her ideas, options and choices in light of the time in which he or she lived
  • compare different accounts of an event and reflect on the fact that historical accounts are influenced by the points of view and context of the author
  • discuss the degree to which developments in different periods have been influenced by upheaval or continuity and consider what makes an event in the past meaningful
  • explain ideas and ideologies that have underpinned political revolutions from the Age of Enlightenment to the present day and consider their significance for people’s opportunities for democratic participation
  • reflect on how technological revolutions from the industrial revolution to the present day have changed peoples’ lives and shaped expectations for the future
  • explain the reasons why people have migrated and discuss cultural encounters as seen from different perspectives
  • explain the reasons why colonial powers conquered territories and discuss the consequences for people and societies in countries and areas that were colonised
  • discuss the background for the two world wars and a sample of other major wars or conflicts and reflect on whether peace treaties have helped create peace and reconciliation
  • explore the options and choices a person has in conflict situations and assess the consequences of the choices that were made
  • reflect on how ideologies and ways of thinking in the twentieth century and up to the present day have contributed to oppression, terror and such genocides as the Holocaust
  • analyse how portrayals of the past have been used in Norway to create a national identity and discuss the impact of this on different groups
  • explore how people have strived for empowerment and emancipation in Norwegian and Sami history and explain how they have also contributed to the development of democracy
  • explain the development of the welfare state in Norway in the twentieth century and discuss the consequences for peoples’ lives
  • assess how people have related to nature, managed and used resources and used historical perspectives in dialogue on sustainable solutions

Formative assessment

Assessment of coursework