Mathematics 2P-Y, oral-practical (MAT1152)

Examination and assessment

Assessment practiceFor pupils
The subject code has assessment of courseworkNo
Selection scheme for examinationTrekkfag
Examination practice for the subject codeMuntlig-praktisk
Assessment statementTall
Examination practice for the subject for the year in questionSkriftlig og/eller muntlig-praktisk


First taughtHøst 2022
First examinationVår 2023
The examination has been preparedLokal
The examination has been gradedLokal

Subject name in different languages

EngelskMathematics 2P-Y, oral-practical
NynorskMatematikk 2P-Y, munnleg-praktisk
BokmålMatematikk 2P-Y, muntlig-praktisk
NordsamiskMatematihkka 2P-Y, njálmmálaš- geavatlaš

(Mangler teksten 'Fagkode' for språk 'eng')

Mathematics 2P-Y, oral-practical (MAT1152)

(Mangler teksten 'Denne fagkoden erstatter' for språk 'eng')

Curriculum for the subject