Curriculum for Welding Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (SVE3-01)

Utgår gradvis

Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2022

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Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Welding, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Welding involves discussing and elaborating on professional solutions with colleagues.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Welding involves describing deviations, preparing measurement reports, documentation and safety and repair reports.

Being able to read in Welding involves understanding procedures, instructions, reports, standards and drawings.

Numeracy in Welding involves calculating heat supply, use of materials and welding consumables.

Digital literacy in Welding involves using digital measuring instruments and the company's control systems.

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