Curriculum for Ropemaking - Special path Vg2 and Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment (REP3-01)

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Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2021

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Ropemaking upholds artisan traditions and competence in the production of rope. In this way the trade can contribute to maintaining cultural heritage. Ropemaking is important for preserving and maintaining historic vessels. The ropemaker shall uphold ancient craftsmanship and historical techniques and knowledge about materials. In addition to this the ropemaker shall develop rope products and provide rope services based on society’s needs.

Learning in the subject the apprentice shall gain knowledge about the different techniques and tools used in the subject. Learning in the subject is based on the use of historical materials such as the vikings wooden bast, hair and skin to the medieval hemp and up to the modern synthetic materials. Learning in the subject shall stimulate an understanding of the ropemaker’s place in history and in modern society. One aspect of acquiring professional skills is the ability to have a critical opinion of one’s own work.

Learning in the subject shall emphasise practical work with products and communication with other professional groups and customers. This lays the foundation for practicing an occupation at a ropemaking company.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to an examination for a Journeyman's Certificate in the trade. The professional title is Ropemaker.

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