Curriculum for the elective subject of nature, environment and outdoor life (NMF1-01)


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The elective subject shall contribute to help pupils, individually or as a group, strengthen the desire to learn and experience a sense of mastery through practical and varied work. Elective subjects are interdisciplinary subjects that contribute to comprehensive and contextual learning.

Pupils shall learn about the tolerance limits of nature and the natural environment, which should not be exceeded if we want to protect biologic diversity and ensure sustainable development over time. Nature is used for recreation and nature experiences, business activities, agriculture and harvesting. It is important to care for nature and be able to utilise the natural resources that exist in nature in a sustainable manner. Knowledge of the interaction between man, nature and the natural environment shall contribute to more awareness about our relationship and dependency on nature.

Pupils who take the elective subject Nature, environment and outdoor life will take part in outdoor life and nature activities that can teach them to use nature in a suitable and purposeful manner. The subject shall help pupils use their senses, stimulate their curiosity and enjoy nature. They shall also learn to interpret signs in nature.

The selection of a varied range of learning arenas and teaching methods shall provide pupils with the opportunity to enjoy practical work with questions dealing with climate and environmental issues and to delve into questions about sustainable development. The pupils must learn to act locally in relation to global climate and environmental issues. The elective subject shall provide pupils with important insights by learning to locate information from national and international sources and organizations.

The elective subject gathers its main elements from the school subjects Natural Science, Social Science and Physical Education, but it can also include elements from Food & Health, Religion, Lifestyles & Ethics, Music or Art and Arts & Crafts/Duodji (traditional Sami handicrafts).

Schools are permitted to organize the subject as preparation for the hunting license test.

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