Curriculum for Reception desk services Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (RES3-01)

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Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 14 February 2008 as delegated in a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61 relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.

Gjelder fra: 2008-08-01T00:00:00 +2


Reception desk services shall lay the foundation for exercising the profession of receptionist at hotels and other accommodations. The subject shall promote competence in the role of host and for general tourism and travel products that include transportation, communications, accommodations, serving foods and beverages, and other activities.

Learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence and flexibility in handling guests with different needs, cultural backgrounds and nationalities. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall promote knowledge of facilities available at a hotel, local and national tourist attractions, local businesses and available transportation. Learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence in daily operations of receptionist work, and emphasise how the practitioner can ensure the safety of guests and colleagues. Learning in the subject shall promote competence in sustainable management of resources in and around the workplace.

Learning in the subject shall arrange practical work to help the apprentice develop competence in planning the workday, carrying out work tasks and coordinating internal company tasks. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall organise things so the apprentice can perform work tasks alongside all the other functions needed to serve guests and collaborators according to existing regulations for environment, health and safety.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Receptionist.


Reception desk services consists of three main subject areas. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Year level

Main subject areas

Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment

Role of host



Main subject areas

Role of host

The main subject area covers handling guests at the reception desk and providing services for the hotel. Furthermore, the subject deals with communication and behaviour adapted to different situations. Role of host deals with providing products and services that include local and regional tourist attractions, businesses and transportation. Rules and routines for safety during a guest's stay are also a part of the main subject area.


The main subject area covers communication and interaction at the reception desk with customers, guests and co-workers. It also covers sales, aftersales and re-sale. Furthermore, it includes formulating sales letters, preparing communication documents, handling complaints and providing services. The main subject area focuses on cooperation with external sales channels for the company. The use of digital reservation and customer management systems at the company belong to the main subject area.


The main subject area covers daily tasks at the reception desk. These include business operating systems, safety routines, internal control routines and the use of digital tools. The main subject area also covers gathering and analysing key figures for the company.

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are part of the subject competence. In Reception desk services, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Reception desk services involves communicating with colleagues, collaborators, customers and guests. The use of storytelling to present products and services is a part of expressing oneself orally.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Reception desk services involves communicating with guests, collaborators and public agencies.

Being able to read in Reception desk services involves gathering information from literature as a basis for good communication between guests and hosts.

Numeracy in Reception desk services involves being able to perform calculations and mental reckoning, handling currencies and carrying out cash settlements.

Digital literacy in Reception desk services involves gathering, handling, producing, disseminating and storing information. It also means using digital tools for profiling, distribution and sales over Internet.

Competence aims

After Vg3

Role of host

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • provide service in the role of host and adapt your communication, behaviour and clothing when meeting guests
  • communicate orally and in writing with customers and guests, also in English
  • formulate simple sentences in a foreign language other than English when meeting guests
  • give an account of and comply with current regulations and safety routines at the hotel for fire, robbery, theft and the need for first aid
  • select and use different aids to present services at your location and at your destinations
  • share information on local and national tourist attractions
  • give an account of the company's history and its organisation, goals, strategies and business concept, and use this in the role of host
  • coordinate internal and external operators who are responsible for the guests' stay


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan and carry out sales, aftersales and re-sales through exhibitions and presentations of products and services adapted to the needs of the guests and goals for profitability
  • formulate a sales letter and other documents for communicating with customers
  • handle complaints according to current regulations
  • communicate in writing with guests and external sales channels
  • use reservation and customer management systems at the company for sales
  • evaluate the company's customer base and give an account of which chain and corporate agreements the company has
  • work according to ethical guidelines and current regulations for sales and marketing
  • evaluate the hotel's capacity and pricing according to requirements set for profitability


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan and carry out daily reception desk tasks according to company routines and current regulations for environment, health and safety, and out of consideration for the environment
  • plan, prepare, carry out and evaluate tasks associated with events at the hotel
  • plan and carry out daily tasks and routines related to the facilities and cleaning department
  • serve foods and beverages according to existing regulations
  • give an account of the company's organisation and your own work and role in the business
  • gather, reckon and analyse key figures for hotel accommodations
  • evaluate how different factors can influence profitability of a travel business
  • discuss and elaborate on the relationship between the company's internal working environment, productivity and quality of the travel and tourism product
  • use reservation and customer management systems at the hotel to handle, modify, optimise and cancel reservations
  • use cash and payment terminals, handle cash, perform settlements and carry out basic currency exchange estimates and calculations
  • use company systems and routines to communicate information between departments
  • reports statistics according to existing regulations
  • give an account of and work according to safety routines at the company
  • work according to ethical values, routines and current regulations for accommodations businesses
  • evaluate how the workplace can be changed to become more ergonomic, and perform work in an ergonomically correct manner
  • work according to the regulations and agreements that regulate employment conditions for the reception desk services trade, and give an account of the rights and obligations of employers and employees


Vg3 Reception desk services

Provisions for final assessment:

Main subject areas


Role of host



All apprentices shall sit for a Trade Examination, which is normally carried out over a period of three working days.

The provisions for final assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.

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