Curriculum for Food and Health (MHE1-01)


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Gjelder fra: 2006-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2021-07-31T00:00:00 +2


Food and meals are important for our physical and mental health, and also for social well-being. Knowledge about food and meals that can promote good eating habits may help to reduce health inequalities in the population. Our eating habits reflect individual choices, cultural expressions and religious convictions, and are thus an important part of our identity. In a multicultural society, awareness of Norwegian food culture and the special features of Sami food tradition is important, as is also having knowledge about and respect for food traditions in other cultures. Greater diversity in the food-product market demands greater consumer competence so that consumers can make informed choices about their own health and environment.

As a broad educational subject, the food and health subject shall help the pupils to gain insight into and skills in critically choosing and reflecting on food and meals, providing them with knowledge to deal with practical, social and personal aspects of life. As a creative subject, food and health shall open for experimentation and the development of critical judgment connected to food and meals. This may inspire the pupils to use this competence outside school and later in life. As a practical subject, the teaching in food and health shall stimulate the pupils to prepare food and instil in them the joy of working and good working habits, as well as shall show them how to be discerning consumers so they can assume responsibility for food and meals at home and in their leisure time, and in working and social life. The teaching in the subject shall contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Preparing food for others is an expression of care, friendship and hospitality. The food and health subject is an important arena for cooperation and development of the pupils’ social competence. Practical creative work is important, where the emphasis is on skills, trying out new things and creativity. The subject provides opportunities to cooperate with local food producers, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the school health service. The teaching in the subject must be adapted to and build on what each pupil has of knowledge, skills and experience so that the pupils will experience success and be motivated to use this competence in their daily lives.

Main subject areas

The subject has been structured into main subject areas with competence aims. The main subject areas complement each other and should be viewed in relation to one another. Goal attainment in one area thus also develops competence in the other areas.

The food and health subject has competence aims after Years 4, 7 and 10 in primary and lower secondary school.

Overview of the main subject areas:


The main subject area


Food and lifestyle

Food and culture

Food and consumption

Food and lifestyle

The main area food and lifestyle refers to developing the skills and motivation to choose a healthy lifestyle. Composing nutritionally safe and good food in accordance with recommendations for a healthy diet from the health authorities is an important foundation on which to base the teaching in this main area. Emphasis will be given to food that is varied, inviting and tasty. Reflection on the relationship between food, lifestyle and health is important.

Food and consumption

The main area food and consumption refers to learning about different foods, food labelling and production, and about learning to be critical and responsible consumers. Emphasis shall be given to developing skills and motivation so that a lifestyle can be chosen which takes the human being and the environment into consideration. Entrepreneurship as a creative process, from idea to finished product, also belongs in this main area.

Food and culture

The main area food and culture refers to the importance of food and meal customs, whether referring to everyday meals, holidays and parties, and knowledge about traditional Norwegian food and food in different cultures and religions. The food should be inviting. Both the preparation and presentation of food is connected to technology and design.

Teaching hours

Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units:

Primary school

Years 1–7: 114 hours

Lower secondary school

Years 8–10: 83 hours (85 hours for those who complete Year 10 in the spring of 2014)

Basic skills

The basic skills are integrated in the competence aims where they contribute to developing the competence in the subject while also being part of this competence. In food and health, the basic skills are understood as follows:

Oral and written skills in food and health can mean being able to explain taste, smell and aesthetics. Insight into the subject matter is connected to oral presentations and written work. In connection with meal situations, communication through conversations is important. Oral skills in the food and health subject are also connected to explaining practical problems and formulating questions, and to arguing and communicating ideas in the subject in conversations with others. Written skills may be writing one’s own recipes and procedures, preparing invitations and illustrations and assessing activities.

Being able to read in food and health refers to studying, interpreting and reflecting on subject related texts with increasing levels of difficulty. This means being able to collect, compare and systematise information from recipes, user guides, goods labelling, advertising, information material and other factual texts, and critically assessing them according to the aims of the subject.

Numeracy in food and health is important in practical work with recipes. It is also important to be able to assess the nutritional and energy content of food and to compare prices of goods.

Digital literacy in food and health refers to searching for information, comparing and assessing nutritional content and presenting subject content.

Competence aims

After Year 4

Food and lifestyle

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • prepare safe food
  • put together and prepare breakfast, school meals and snacks in accordance with recommendations from the health authorities
  • select food and beverages that are part of a healthy diet
  • work with measures and weights in connection with recipes and preparing food
  • practice rules for good hygiene

Food and consumption

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • examine various foods for taste experiences
  • understand simple labelling of goods
  • explain about a selected raw material and how this is part of the food system, from production to consumption

Food and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • do his or her part to create well-being around meals
  • lay a table and describe how meal customs are practised in different cultures
  • plan and carry out a party together with others in connection with a holiday or some other celebration
  • describe food traditions of the Sami people and how food traditions are connected to nature and ways of living

After Year 7

Food and lifestyle

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • prepare safe and nutritionally sound food, and explain the place the different food groups have in the diet
  • explain how food acts as an energy source and building material for the body
  • talk about the recommendations for a healthy diet from the health authorities, and give examples of the connection between diet, health and lifestyle
  • find recipes in different sources
  • use calculations to increase or reduce the amount in recipes, test them and assess the result
  • follow recipes
  • discuss what food safety and safe food mean

Food and consumption

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • discuss product information and advertising for different foods
  • assess, choose and act in an environmentally aware way
  • develop, prepare and present a product
  • talk about industrially prepared food and food produced in commercial kitchens

Food and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • prepare food from different cultures
  • assess what is meant by good meal customs
  • prepare Sami food and explain some features of Sami food culture
  • prepare food out in nature and use nature as a resource

After Year 10

Food and lifestyle

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan and prepare safe and nutritionally sound food, and explain which nutrients the food contains
  • compare meals he or she prepared with the dietary advice from the health authorities
  • use digital tools to assess the content of energy and nutrition in food and beverages, and apply the results when preparing food
  • inform others about how food habits may influence lifestyle- and diet-related illnesses
  • assess dietary information and advertising in the media

Food and consumption

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • assess and choose foods in a diversified food market when planning purchases
  • discuss how different marketing methods may influence the choice of foods made by consumers
  • develop, produce, give production information and advertise a product
  • assess and choose goods based on ethical and sustainability criteria

Food and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan, prepare and serve a meal in connection with holidays or parties and play the role of host
  • prepare food for different social contexts and discuss how food helps to create identity
  • give examples of how kitchen utensils, ways of preparing food and food habits have changed over time or moved geographically, and explain how they have had impact on people's lives
  • create and test new dishes based on different raw materials, ways of preparing food and food cultures


Provisions for final assessment:

Overall achievement assessment



Year 10 or the year when the subject is completed.

The pupils shall receive an overall achievement grade.

Examination for pupils

Year Level


Year 10 or the year when the subject is completed.

The pupils do not sit for an examination.

Examinations for external candidates



Year 10 or the year when the subject is completed.

There is no provision for external candidates in the subject.

The general provisions for assessment have been laid down in the regulations relating to the Norwegian Education Act.

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