Curriculum for Baking VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (BAK3-01)


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Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 5 February 2008 as delegated in a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61 relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.

Gjelder fra: 2008-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2023-07-31T00:00:00 +2


Baking is a handicraft trade that shall lay the foundation for practicing the occupation of production of bakery products. The subject shall use new technology and lay the foundation for product development in line with traditions and national and international trends.

Learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence in raw materials and baking processes. Learning in the subject shall also contribute to developing competence in the significance of bakery products for diet and health. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall contribute to developing good handicraft skills. All food production shall have a quality management system based on hazard analysis and critical checkpoints. Learning in the subject shall attempt to promote a professional relationship to service, cooperation, communication and equality.

Learning in the subject shall arrange for varied work tasks that require creativity and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, learning shall emphasise professional development in baking and alteration work related to the company's routines.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to an examination for a Journeyman's Certificate in the trade. The professional title is Baker.


Baking consists of three main subject areas. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Year level

Main subject areas

Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment

Raw materials and production

Hygiene and quality management

Trade, company and environment

Main subject areas

Raw materials and production

The main subject area is concerned with raw materials and storage, and the utilization and handling of raw materials. Furthermore, the subject covers basic handicraft skills of the trade, and planning and execution of production. The significance of the raw materials for diet and health is also included.

Hygiene and quality management

The main subject area is concerned with quality management systems, internal control, personal hygiene and hygiene for the food trades in general. Furthermore, current legislation and the role of inspectorate authorities are also important themes.

Trade, company and environment

The main subject area is concerned with the company's place in society, its organisation and framework conditions for the trade in general. Environment, health and safety are a part of the main subject area.

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Baking, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally and in writing in Baking involves working with recipes, keeping logs and documentation, receiving and giving information in daily work and communicating with colleagues, customers and collaborators.

Being able to read in Baking involves acquiring information about trends in the trade, understanding and comparing recipes, understanding orders and messages and knowing about quality management systems and user manuals.

Numeracy in Baking involves revising and adapting recipes, calculating amounts and evaluating time used for production and in relation to economy.

Digital literacy in Baking involves communicating, searching for, gathering and using relevant information and using digital tools for purchasing, calculations and inventory control. It also involves the use of digital production equipment.

Competence aims

After Vg3

Raw materials and production

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan, carry out, evaluate and document the production of bakery goods
  • select and use hand tools, machines and equipment, and carry out daily maintenance on these
  • evaluate the quality of raw materials and store and handle the raw materials according to current rules and regulations
  • utilise the properties and qualities of raw materials to produce different products, and give an account of how raw materials influence each other
  • give an account of how plussage of liquids influences the baking process
  • make leaven and sour dough, and explain the significance of predough
  • produce different bakery goods with the company's production equipment
  • develop recipes and produce bakery goods for different user groups and different purposes
  • produce layered doughs
  • perform hand-kneaded work on different products
  • optimise the kneading of the dough
  • evaluate leavening and roasting different products and be able to give an account of deviations
  • carry out calculation of quantities and use digital tools to calculate goods and production costs based on a given recipe
  • discuss and elaborate on the significance of bakery goods for diet and health
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles

Hygiene and quality management

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • practice good personal hygiene and production and food industry hygiene according to current rules and legislation
  • perform cleaning and cleaning inspections according to current rules and cleaning schedules
  • perform work in line with current rules and quality management systems
  • store, aftertreat, package and mark products according to current rules for this
  • participate in work with fighting insects and other harmful vermin, and follow routines established in this area

Trade, company and environment

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • discuss and elaborate on the trade's framework conditions and organisation, and which factors can influence economic results
  • discuss and elaborate on what professionalism and customer service involve
  • give an account of content in relevant national and international legislation applicable to the consumer 's rights and obligations, including rules about the right of appeal
  • give an account of consumer rights and demands to product labelling and food safety, and current rules and regulation in this area
  • use specialist and technical terminology
  • practice production and waste handling based on current rules and regulations
  • comply with current legislation for environment, health and safety
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles


Vg3 Baking

Provisions for final assessment:

Main subject areas


Raw materials and production

Hygiene and quality management

Trade, company and environment

All apprentices shall sit for a Journeyman's Examination, which is normally carried out over a period of two working days.

The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.

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