Curriculum for Reception desk services Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (RES3-01)

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Denne læreplanen utgår gradvis fra 1.8.2022

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Reception desk services shall lay the foundation for exercising the profession of receptionist at hotels and other accommodations. The subject shall promote competence in the role of host and for general tourism and travel products that include transportation, communications, accommodations, serving foods and beverages, and other activities.

Learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence and flexibility in handling guests with different needs, cultural backgrounds and nationalities. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall promote knowledge of facilities available at a hotel, local and national tourist attractions, local businesses and available transportation. Learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence in daily operations of receptionist work, and emphasise how the practitioner can ensure the safety of guests and colleagues. Learning in the subject shall promote competence in sustainable management of resources in and around the workplace.

Learning in the subject shall arrange practical work to help the apprentice develop competence in planning the workday, carrying out work tasks and coordinating internal company tasks. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall organise things so the apprentice can perform work tasks alongside all the other functions needed to serve guests and collaborators according to existing regulations for environment, health and safety.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Receptionist.

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