Curriculum for mother tongue teaching for language minorities (NOR8-01)


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Competence aims for level 3

Listening and speaking

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • listen to others and respond to their fellow pupils during presentations
  • use the language in conversations and discussions with others and show respect for their points of view
  • repeat the gist of dramatized or illustrated oral presentations, short stories or narratives

Reading and writing

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • make use of varied strategies for reading
  • read literary texts in a variety of genres
  • write summaries of technical texts
  • structure and create coherence in their own texts
  • find literature and material for their own writing assignments and work assignments
  • interpret and make use of graphic presentations of numbers and other data

Language learning

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • reflect on their own experience with a variety of learning strategies
  • reflect on the connection between mother tongue teaching and the teaching of Norwegian
  • reflect on and give examples of how words and pictures work together in different media
  • discuss and elaborate on how various communication strategies are used

Language and culture

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • talk about linguistic images in their mother tongue
  • tell about well-known persons, places and events of significance for their mother tongue
  • discuss and elaborate on how language is used differently in different social contexts
  • discuss and elaborate on how language can express and create attitudes on the part of individuals and groups

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