Curriculum for mother tongue teaching for language minorities (NOR8-01)


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Competence aims for level 1

Listening and speaking

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • express their own feelings and opinions
  • listen to, understand and talk about the content of oral narratives and other texts
  • speak coherently about their experiences related to their school day, their family and their community
  • understand and use numbers in practical situations

Reading and writing

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • recognize numbers and the letters or characters of their mother tongue
  • relate letters to sounds and bring the sounds together to form words, or use characters
  • read adapted texts fluently and coherently
  • understand and fill out simple forms with personal information
  • write their own texts, digitally and in functional handwriting
  • employ simple strategies for reading comprehension
  • find books or digital texts in their mother tongue

Language learning

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • experiment with speech sounds, words and expressions, rhymes and jingles
  • relate personal experiences by means of words, drawings, pictures, music and movement
  • talk about how words and pictures work together in a given text
  • understand and reflect on the relationship between speech and written language
  • describe and assess their own language learning work

Language and culture

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • talk about the content of fairy tales, songs or poems
  • talk about and summarize the gist of puzzles, jokes or other humorous texts
  • talk about persons and actions in texts about everyday life, stories or other relevant literature

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