Curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities (NOR7-01)


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Gjelder fra: 2007-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2020-07-31T00:00:00 +2


The curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities may be used in primary and lower secondary school and in upper secondary education and training. The teaching based on this curriculum is meant to promote adapted education in accordance with current regulations in the Education Act and to safeguard linguistic minorities’ need for special instruction in Norwegian. The school owner / the school decide whether mother tongue teaching shall be given in accordance with the curriculum for basic Norwegian for language minorities or in the form of special adaptation within the regular curriculum in Norwegian.

The Education Act section 2-8 (for the 10-year compulsory school) and section 3-12 (upper secondary education and training) states that pupils whose mother tongue is other than Norwegian or Sámi are entitled to special training in Norwegian until they are proficient enough in Norwegian to follow the regular school teaching. If necessary, such pupils are also entitled to mother tongue teaching, bilingual technical training, or both.

It follows from the premise for special Norwegian instruction that the curriculum for basic Norwegian for language minorities is a transitional plan, shall be used only until pupils are able to follow the teaching in accordance with the regular curriculum in Norwegian. The curriculum is level-oriented and not related to age and applies to pupils of different ages and with different experience backgrounds. Before the teaching begins, a decision shall be made for each pupil as to what level in the curriculum the teaching shall serve as a starting point.

One of the main goals for instruction in basic Norwegian is the development of linguistic confidence and self-assurance. The teaching shall promote development in the Norwegian language, so that pupils can be enabled to follow regular instruction in Norwegian and in other subjects taught in Norwegian. The teaching must therefore be seen in relation to the instruction provided in other subjects and in relation to the curriculum for Norwegian. Pupils shall be helped, through the development of good learning strategies and insight into their own language learning, to develop their Norwegian language skills as quickly as possible.

The teaching in basic Norwegian shall cover the instruction in reading and writing and help develop pupils’ vocabulary and grasp of concepts in a variety of subjects. Coordination with instruction in reading and writing in the pupil’s mother tongue and with bilingual technical training may strengthen the teaching in basic Norwegian. The teaching shall also promote intercultural understanding.

It will be natural to use pupils’ various experiences from previous language learning as a point of departure, inside and outside school. Thus, flexibility and individual and local adaptation are key elements in the organization of the teaching.

Main subject areas

Basic Norwegian for language minorities is a level-oriented plan not related to age. The competence aims are described for three levels and are largely based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which describes and defines six different language levels, from beginners’ level (A1) to advanced level (C2), and what skills and knowledge of languages are associated with each level.

The curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities is structured into four main subject areas, with competence aims formulated for each area. Except for the main subject area Language and culture, the main subject are Listening and speaking, Reading and writing and Language learning were largely prepared with a basis in the four levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1, A2, B1 and B2).

The main subject areas complement each other and must be viewed in relation to one another. Pupils who follow this curriculum may be at different levels when the teaching begins, and it may take some longer than others to reach the competence aims. Since the curriculum is transitional, the achievement of goals must be seen in the context of the competence aims in the regular curriculum for Norwegian for the year in question.

This subject is a common core subject for all the upper secondary education programmes. Learning in this subject shall therefore be made as relevant as possible for pupils by adapting each subject to its education programme as much as possible.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Main subject areas

Listening and speaking

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Reading and writing

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Language learning

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Language and culture

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Listening and speaking

The main subject area Listening and speaking revolves around understanding Norwegian speech, expanding one’s vocabulary and concepts and making oneself understood in Norwegian. It involves listening and recognizing linguistic units such as words, expressions and concepts, and being able to use them when speaking. Furthermore, the main subject area includes the development of communication skills through the use of oral language in different situations and when working with a variety of subjects.

Reading and writing

The main subject area Reading and writing revolves around written communication and the development of reading and writing skills. Also included is the development and enlargement of one’s vocabulary and concepts in various subjects and themes. Furthermore, the main subject area includes the use of the written language to retrieve information and to develop and structure one’s thoughts and ideas.

Language learning

The main subject area Language learning deals with what it means to learn a new language. It also deals with language as a system and with the use of language. A comparative perspective of one’s mother tongue and Norwegian is also included in the main subject area. Also covered are communication and language learning strategies and the development of linguistic competence.

Language and culture

The main subject area Language and culture revolves around the cultural significance of the language. Various ways of using the language and linguistic variation in Norwegian are also included in the main subject area. Also covered are Norwegian language and text culture seen from a historical, multicultural and international perspective.

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims, where they are part of the technical competence and assist in its development. In the main subject area “Basic Norwegian for language minorities,” basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Basic Norwegian for language minorities involves listening to and understanding the content of oral language and being able to make oneself understood. It also includes adapting one’s language to a variety of conversation partners, themes and situations.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Basic Norwegian for language minorities involves learning to write in Norwegian and developing one’s writing skills. Writing is a means of developing and structuring one’s thoughts and ideas. This also involves the varied use of words and expressions, concepts, linguistic patterns and creation of text.

Being able to read in Basic Norwegian for language minorities involves reading Norwegian texts and perfecting one’s reading skills. It also involves expanding one’s vocabulary and acquiring experience in reading. Reading includes the development of strategies to understand new words, concepts and linguistic patterns. It also involves developing skills to understand and interpret the content of a variety of texts.

Numeracy in Basic Norwegian for language minorities involves understanding numbers and mathematical concepts. It also involves being able to read graphic presentations, tables and statistics, as well as logical reasoning and problem solving.

Being able to use digital tools in Basic Norwegian for language minorities involves mastering new kinds of text and forms of expression. It includes communication with others and producing, composing and editing texts. Furthermore, it also involves finding authentic texts from a variety of genres and making use of them. Also included are critical assessment and the use of sources. Showing due consideration for copyright and privacy protection are elements in the use of digital tools.

Competence aims

Competence aims for level 1

Listening and speaking

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • understand simple messages
  • express their own feelings, thoughts and desires
  • introduce themselves, ask and answer questions related to their own person, family, actions, events and objects from their close surroundings
  • participate in simple conversations, ask what various things are called and what various words mean, and state that they don’t understand and ask for help
  • understand and make use of key words and expressions to cover basic needs at school and during their leisure time
  • understand and make use of standard conventions for showing politeness
  • express Norwegian speech sounds: vowels, consonants, consonant combinations and diphthongs
  • understand and make use of numbers in practical situations

Reading and writing

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • master the Norwegian alphabet, both upper and lower case letters
  • associate letters with sounds and put sounds together to form words
  • recognize names, numbers, logos and signs
  • talk about the relationship between image and text in specific composite texts
  • read adapted texts fluently and coherently
  • understand the main idea in specific technical texts, informational texts and descriptions
  • write simple texts and messages digitally and in functional handwriting
  • fill out simple forms with personal information
  • find relevant books and texts at the library and on the Internet

Language learning

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • experiment with speech sounds, words and expressions, rhymes and jingles
  • compare speech sounds, words and expressions in the mother tongue and Norwegian
  • employ simple strategies for reading comprehension
  • give examples of how the visual picture varies, depending on the system of writing
  • talk about the relationship between speech and written language
  • talk about their own work in learning the new language and their use of different learning strategies

Language and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • talk about the content of some fairy tales, songs and poems
  • talk about the content of puzzles, jokes or other humorous texts
  • talk about persons and actions in texts taken from everyday life, in stories or in other literature

Competence aims for level 2

Listening and speaking

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • enunciate clearly
  • express their personal opinions
  • describe themselves, their family, friends, leisure time, school, working life and local environment
  • receive and give information and messages in a variety of situations
  • talk with and ask questions of their fellow pupils concerning technical topics and events in everyday life
  • talk about the content of films, computer games, literary texts and plays
  • listen to others and respond to stories and descriptions
  • repeat the gist of dramatized or illustrated oral presentations and narratives
  • understand and make use of numbers and quantities in practical situations

Reading and writing

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • read and understand different types of text
  • find and repeat in their own words information in specific technical texts
  • employ basic rules of punctuation
  • express their own feelings and opinions in what they write
  • structure texts with headings, an introduction and a conclusion
  • give examples of how words and pictures work together in texts
  • write simple technical texts, composite texts, stories and letters
  • fill out relevant forms
  • make use of digital media to write and respond appropriately to messages
  • conduct information searches and create, store and retrieve texts with the aid of digital tools
  • read and understand tables and graphic presentations

Language learning

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • employ basic structures for sentence structure and cohesion
  • identify and describe different word classes and their functions
  • master different strategies for learning new words and concepts
  • talk about communication strategies
  • use their own experiences to talk about similarities and differences between Norwegian and their mother tongue
  • describe and assess their progress in learning Norwegian

Language and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • talk about key persons and actions in a selection of fictional texts and texts taken from everyday life
  • tell about some local and key Norwegian personalities, places and events
  • explain the significance of certain fixed expressions, important sayings and linguistic images
  • explain how the choice of words, the use of the voice and body language can express different attitudes
  • talk about linguistic diversity in Norway
  • compare different lifestyles, traditions, social conventions and customs
  • express their own thoughts about persons and actions from Norwegian TV programmes, films and plays

Competence aims for level 3

Listening and speaking

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • express and give grounds for their personal views, and show respect for those of others
  • take the floor, employ technical terms and concepts and participate actively in a variety of teaching situations
  • present technical material orally, with and without aids
  • summarize and describe the content of films, plays, radio and TV programmes, and describe their own reactions to these
  • speak about their interests, events and experiences from everyday life and adapt this to a given situation, purpose or recipient
  • employ communication strategies in planned and unplanned situations in order to understand or make oneself understood
  • conduct planned presentations by means of role play, drama, recitation or interview

Reading and writing

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • make use of varied and appropriate reading strategies when working with different types of text
  • retrieve information from technical texts and use it to solve tasks
  • write summaries of texts about topical subjects from newspapers, periodicals and the Internet
  • read fictional texts in different genres and present their own response and reading experience
  • give examples of what makes a given text easy or hard to understand
  • read and talk about simple texts in their secondary Norwegian language form
  • employ a varied vocabulary to express their feelings and opinions when writing
  • recognize the following linguistic tools: repetition, comparison and metaphor
  • structure text in consecutive order and establish a relationship between sentences and paragraphs
  • produce composite texts with pictures, decorations and a variety of typestyles
  • use texts found online and follow the rules of copyright and the use of sources
  • employ rules for orthography, punctuation and sentence structure when writing
  • find literature and material for their own writing assignments and work assignments at the library and on the Internet
  • make use of dictionaries, reference books and digital aids
  • describe and interpret graphic presentations of numbers and other data

Language learning

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • talk about their experiences of where, how and when they use different languages
  • talk about the use of irony and humour in language
  • reflect on their own experiences with different reading and learning strategies
  • talk about variation in spoken language, the use of the voice and body language in different languages
  • identify similarities and differences between Norwegian and their mother tongue
  • reflect on their own command of several languages and its significance for their own learning of subjects and language

Language and culture

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • present their own interpretations of persons and events in relevant works of fiction
  • present important themes in some key contemporary Norwegian texts
  • talk about special characteristics of some Norwegian dialects
  • explain the origin of some common Norwegian words and expressions
  • explain how language and genres are used differently in different social contexts
  • compare irony and humour in different languages
  • compare irony and humour in different languages
  • talk about how the Norwegian language changes over time


Provisions for final assessment:



Levels 1–3

Mapping tools have been developed in connection with the curriculum. When the pupils have achieved the aims under level 3 of the curriculum, they are to follow regular Norwegian instruction and be assessed accordingly. Therefore, no assessment mark is given.

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