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Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 5 April 2006 as delegated in a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61 relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.

Gjelder fra: 2006-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2016-07-31T00:00:00 +2


The programme subject Media and information knowledge builds on a humanistic and social science tradition. A historical perspective is fundamental when studying the relationship between medium and society. This is important, not least for understanding the role of the media as a precondition for freedom of expression – and thus democracy. Power and influence are closely linked to the media, nationally and internationally. That is why it is important to study the media analytically and critically.

This programme subject shall help individuals to express their own opinions and participate actively in the democratic process. The media plays a major role in cultural identity for individuals and groups alike, and the programme subject can help create an awareness of the relationship between medium and identity. In many occupations, it is vital to have knowledge of and insight into the role that the media plays in society. The programme subject shall help promote self-awareness and cultural refinement, and in so doing it can serve as a good basis for vocational life and studies at college or university.

In this programme subject it is important to find, receive, handle, integrate and evaluate information as a basis for further work with personal forms of expression in the mediums of text, sound and images and in combinations thereof. Therefore, the training shall pave the way for a discussion of ethical questions, for the development of a sense for the aesthetic, and for gaining experience and creative development. To link these disparate aspects of the programme subject, there shall be an emphasis on media production and journalistic method. As a point of departure, the teaching should address the individual as an active, interested user of the media and focus on developing abilities and talents individually and in collaboration with others.


Media and information knowledge comprises two programme subjects: Media and information knowledge 1 and Media and information knowledge 2. Media and information knowledge 2 builds on Media and information knowledge 1.

These programme subjects have been structured into main subject areas for which competence aims have been formulated. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Programme subject

Main subject area

Media and information knowledge 1

Media development

Forms of expression

Medium, individual and society

Media and information knowledge 2

Media development

Forms of expression

Medium, individual and society

Main subject areas

Media development

Media and information knowledge 1

The main subject area Media development covers the history of Norwegian media and the functions of the media from a historical, political, economic, cultural and ethical perspective. Freedom of expression and the role of the press in the growth of democracy are key aspects of the main subject area. The main features of Norwegian media politics are also included in the main subject area.

Media and information knowledge 2

The main subject area Media development deals with the international history of the media. Key aspects include international media structures and the strong global concentration of ownership. The main subject area also covers the North-South issue and the media structure in developing countries.

Forms of expression

Media and information knowledge 1

The main subject area Forms of expression deals with traditional and digital media. Journalistic work methods and the ethical guidelines that apply to the media play a central role. The shaping of various media products is also covered by the main subject area. Also included are typical features of information and entertainment, journalism, advertising and propaganda. The main subject area also covers search strategies and source analysis.

Media and information knowledge 2

The main subject area Forms of expression covers a variety of media texts as a point of departure for analysis, experience and assessment. It deals with the shaping of a variety of media products, the use of dramaturgical tools, and the assessment of one’s own media product and that of others. The main subject area also covers the role of the media in promoting art and culture.

Medium, individual and society

Media and information knowledge 1

The main subject area Medium, individual and society is concerned with forms of communication and communication models. Thus it deals with how new technology and digitalization alter traditional patterns of communication and lead to convergence. The main subject area also deals with different impact models and how different media can affect the way in which people perceive themselves and the world around them. In addition, the main subject area covers ethnic and multicultural challenges, equal opportunity, gender and class.

Media and information knowledge 2

The main subject area Medium, individual and society deals with impact strategies for different media products and with how the media are able to influence attitudes, norms and values. Also covered are the rules and regulations that govern copyright, privacy protection and freedom of expression. Media ideologies and the development of information gaps in society – nationally and internationally – are included in the main subject area.

Teaching hours

Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units.

Media and information knowledge 1: 140 teaching hours per year

Media and information knowledge 2: 140 teaching hours per year

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are part of the subject competence. In the Media and information knowledge programme subject, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Media and information knowledge involves the oral presentation of one’s own work in which the exchange of views, reflections and assessments play a central role. Oral precision is all-important when working with media productions.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Media and information knowledge involves imparting information and opinions through a variety of communicative expressions, such as text, sound and images, on different levels. It involves narration, description, analysis, reflection and assessment.

Being able to read in Media and information knowledge involves being able to understand and interpret a variety of media texts. It also involves the ability to read instruction guidelines, surveys, models and theories.

Numeracy in Media and information knowledge involves making use of different types of statistics as a starting point for analysis and argumentation. It also includes calculating time sheets and expenses in connection with one’s own media productions.

Being able to use digital tools in Media and information knowledge involves finding, receiving, handling, integrating and evaluating information as a basis for further work with different forms of expression in one’s own productions. It also involves dealing with legal, cultural and ethical challenges related to Internet use.

Competence aims

Media and information knowledge 1

Media development

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • discuss the role of the press in the development of democracy in Norway
  • elaborate on and discuss how freedom of expression is a prerequisite for democracy and for a free press
  • give an account of key aspects of the history of the media in Norway
  • give an account of the main features of Norwegian media policies up to the present
  • present the main features of the media structure in Norway

Forms of expression

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • give an account of what constitutes information, and on the various types of information
  • give an account of the architecture of the Internet
  • discuss ethical challenges related to the Internet and new types of media
  • give an account of the process of how something goes from being an event to becoming a news item in the media
  • explain what is encompassed by the expression ’a law unto itself,’ and discuss the consequences of a breach of press ethics
  • give an account of typical features of journalism, advertising, propaganda, information and entertainment
  • discuss the concept of objectivity in connection with the dissemination of material through the media
  • assess and make use of relevant digital tools in various forms for the purpose of personal communication
  • assess information from a source-critical viewpoint, and make use of relevant information and communication technology when working with personal media products
  • devise their own journalistic media expression in different channels, and justify the choice of target group, channel and type of technology used

Medium, individual and society

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • give an account of key forms of communication and communication models
  • discuss what constitutes good communication, and determine what can stand in the way of such communication
  • explain how new technology and digitalization alter traditional patterns of communication
  • investigate what is available in terms of the media in multicultural Norway, and discuss the ways in which the media can influence the identity of indigenous peoples, as well as national and ethnic minorities
  • discuss the ramifications of there being many active users of the media who themselves play a role in developing the media product
  • assess the use and misuse of statistics
  • give an account of different impact models and determine how people can be affected by different media
  • assess what factors influence the choice of medium
  • assess what role the media play in learning, equal opportunity and establishment of identity

Media and information knowledge 2

Media development

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • give an account of the main features of the international history of the media
  • give an account of key aspects of structure and policy with respect to the international media
  • discuss from an international perspective the role of the media in the development of democracy
  • present the North-South issue in the international media world
  • give an account of key characteristics of the media structure of developing countries
  • discuss the consequences for the role of the journalist of developments in the media

Forms of expression

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • analyze form and content in a variety of newspaper, radio, film and TV genres
  • make a production plan for their own media productions, including an overview of time spent and expenses incurred
  • create and present their own media products in various combinations of text, sound and images, and justify the choice of medium and publication form
  • use narrative techniques, oral means of expression and dramaturgical tools in their own media productions
  • analyze and assess their own media products as well as those of others
  • develop a media product in collaboration with a business enterprise or an organization
  • analyze the media’s role as a disseminator of art and culture

Medium, individual and society

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • analyze the media as a resource and force in social and working life, and discuss open and discrete functions
  • give an account of different media ideologies
  • assess how the media is able to influence attitudes, norms and values
  • investigate impact strategies with respect to different types of media product
  • elaborate on and discuss how the media help create, enhance and counteract information gaps
  • discuss what roles information agencies and lobbying play in a democracy
  • investigate how the production and distribution of information can be managed and controlled by various interest groups
  • give an account of key legislation and regulations related to copyright, privacy protection and freedom of expression
  • reflect on ethical issues and challenges in their encounter with the media in different cultures
  • reflect on the role of the media as it relates to the transmission of information, news and culture in the international media world


Media and information knowledge

Provisions for final assessment:

Overall achievement grades

Programme subject


Media and information knowledge 1

The pupils shall have an overall achievement mark.

Media and information knowledge 2

The pupils shall have an overall achievement mark.

Examination for pupils

Programme subject


Media and information knowledge 1

The pupils may be selected for an oral exam. The exam is prepared and marked locally.

Media and information knowledge 2

The pupils may be selected for a written or oral-practical exam. The written exam is prepared and marked centrally. The oral-practical exam is prepared and marked locally.

Examination for external candidates

Programme subject


Media and information knowledge 1

The external candidates shall sit for an oral exam. The exam is prepared and marked locally.

Media and information knowledge 2

The external candidates shall sit for a written exam. The written exam is prepared and marked centrally.

The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.

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