Geosciences - Programme subject in programme for Specialization in General Studies (GFG1-01)


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Geosciences 2

A changing earth

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • give an account of the causes of surface and deep-sea currents in world oceans, and discuss their consequences for the climate
  • explain how el Niño and la Niña arise, and describe their influence on the climate
  • describe the variations in the ozone layer, and elaborate on and discuss natural and human causes

Geosciences research

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • give an account of problems, methods and results within one field of research in the geosciences
  • plan, carry out, present and evaluate research and fieldwork in a geotope
  • describe this process from observations, models and weather maps to the final weather reports
  • prepare, present and evaluate daily local weather forecasts for a period of one week, with the help of weather maps, satellite images and radar plotting

Climate change

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • describe the main features of climatic development from the latest Ice Age to the present time, and elaborate on and discuss theories about climate change created naturally and by human action
  • give an account of discussions within scientific environments about the causes to climate changes
  • present information about climate change to polar areas, and give an account of different views as to causes to climate change and the effects of these
  • elaborate on and discuss the ethical challenges associated with climate change

Geoscientific resources

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • describe how deposits of oil, coal and natural gas are formed, detected and extracted
  • describe how bedrock and loose masses in Norway are extracted and used
  • elaborate on and discuss problems associated with fresh water resources, in a global perspective
  • give an account of the meaning of water as a source of energy, and illustrate energy amounts and quantities with numerical examples
  • describe the exploitation of renewable energy sources of solar, wind, tidal, wave and geothermal energy, and elaborate on and discuss what their importance is for energy supplies in the future
  • elaborate on and discuss environmental problems associated with the exploitation of earth-based resources and the technologies used

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