Subject curriculum for foreign languages (FSP1-01)


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Gjelder fra: 2006-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2022-07-31T00:00:00 +2


Language opens doors. When we learn other languages we gain the ability to come into contact with other people and cultures, and this can increase our understanding of how people live and think.

Language competence makes it possible to participate in international contexts and contributes to a more balanced picture of international processes and events. In a world with increasing mobility and digital interaction, competence in several languages and intercultural competence are prerequisites for successful communication and participation in many areas.

Learning a foreign language primarily means using the language – reading, listening, speaking and writing – in various contexts. It is also about communication on and insight into the way others live and their views on life, values and cultures, which might lead to greater awareness of one's own culture and to new opportunities for experiences. Experience of and insights into cultural conditions represent a source of personal growth and maturity, and can provide greater opportunities in education, working life and leisure time.

Learning a new foreign language builds on experience from previous language learning both in and outside school. When we are aware of the strategies we use to learn a foreign language, and the strategies that help us understand and be understood, the acquisition of knowledge and skills will be easier and more meaningful. It is also important to establish our own goals for learning, determine how these can be satisfied and assess our own language use. Developing the ability to learn a foreign language may lead to greater insight into our native language, and thus become an important element in individual personal development. Competence in foreign languages shall promote motivation for learning, and insight into several languages and cultures, contribute to multilingual skills and provide an important basis for lifelong learning.

Communicative skills and cultural insight can promote greater interaction, understanding and respect among people with different cultural backgrounds. In this way linguistic and cultural competence contributes to a sound upbringing and fosters democratic commitment and responsible citizenship.

Main subject areas

The subject has been structured into main subject areas with competence aims. These main subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together.

There are two levels to the subject curriculum:

  • Level I is offered in both primary/lower secondary school and in upper secondary education

  • Level II, which builds on level I, is only offered in upper secondary education

Foreign languages level I has competence aims after the tenth year of lower secondary school and after Vg2 in upper secondary education.

Foreign languages level II has competence aims after VG2/VG3 in upper secondary education.

Overview of main subject areas:

Year of school

Main subject areas


Vg1, Vg2 or Vg3

Language learning


Language, culture and society

Language learning

The main subject area language learning covers insight into one's own language learning and language usage. Developing the ability to use appropriate learning strategies, such as defining one's own learning needs, formulating goals, selecting work methods, using aids and assessing work processes and goal attainment individually and in cooperation with others, could increase our of the subject.


The main subject area communication focuses on imparting meaning through the foreign language. This includes listening, reading, writing, oral production and spontaneous interaction in various communication situations, media, genres and language functions. This also includes the linguistic repertoire – vocabulary, syntax and textual cohesion – and specific linguistic skills required to master various communication situations. New media and use of the language across subjects and topics are also part of this main subject area.

Language, culture and society

The main subject area language, culture and society focuses on cultural understanding in a broad sense. It covers important topics connected to various aspects of the target-language country's societal life and culture. Working with various types of texts and encountering cultural forms of expression from the target language country can develop interest, understanding and tolerance, and enhance one's insight into one's own living conditions and identity. It can also contribute to the joy of reading, provide experiences and to personal development.

Teaching hours

Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units:

Lower secondary school

Years 8 to 10: 227 teaching hours

Programmes for general studies

Vg1: 113 hours

Vg2: 112 hours

VG 3: 140 hours

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated in the competence aims where they contribute to development of the competence in the subject, while also being part of this competence. In foreign languages basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally and in writing in a foreign language is a key element in developing competence in the foreign language in question and is a common thread in the competence aims for both levels. These skills are important tools in the work to understand and use the new language in increasingly varied and more demanding contexts across cultures and subject areas. Having oral skills means being able to both listen and speak.

Being able to read a foreign language is part of the practical linguistic competence and means understanding, exploring and reflecting upon increasingly more demanding texts, thus gaining insight across cultures and subject areas. Developing reading skills in the new language also contributes to strengthening general reading skills.

Being able to do mathematics in a foreign language is a requirement for understanding and using the foreign language in connection with quantifications, calculations, measurements and graphic presentations in everyday contexts.

Being able to use digital tools in a foreign language helps to expand the learning arenas for the subject and adds valuable dimensions to the learning process through the encounter with authentic language and through using the language in authentic communication situations. Being critical of sources, copyright issues and protection of personal privacy are important features in digital contexts that are also part of learning foreign languages.

Competence aims

Foreign language level I

Language learning

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • exploit his or her own experience of language learning in learning the new language
  • examine similarities and differences between the native language and the new language and exploit this in his or her language learning
  • use digital tools and other aids
  • describe and assess his or her own work in learning the new language


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • use the alphabet and characters of the language
  • find relevant information and understand the main content in written and oral adapted and authentic texts in various genres
  • participate in simple, spontaneous conversations
  • present various topics orally
  • express his or her own opinions and feelings
  • understand and use numbers in practical situations
  • communicate with an understandable pronunciation
  • understand and use a vocabulary that covers everyday situations
  • use basic linguistic structures and grammar to connect text
  • adapt to some extent his/her language to various communication situations
  • write texts that narrate, describe or inform
  • use listening, speaking, reading and writing strategies adapted to the purpose
  • use communication technology to cooperate with others, and to find and interact with authentic language

Language, culture and society

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • talk about daily life, persons and current events in the language region in question and in Norway
  • compare some aspects of traditions, customs and ways of living in the language region in question and in Norway
  • talk about the language and aspects of the geography of the language region in question
  • express experiences connected to the culture of the language region in question

Foreign language level II

Language learning

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • exploit his or her experiences of language learning to develop his or her multilingualism
  • exploit various sources of authentic texts in his or her own language learning
  • use digital tools and other aids critically and independently
  • describe and assess his or her own progress in learning the new language


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • understand the content in long written and oral authentic texts in various genres
  • read formal and informal texts in different genres and elaborate on the author's views and attitudes
  • participate in spontaneous conversations on various themes and relevant topics
  • present relevant and interdisciplinary topics orally
  • express experiences, viewpoints and attitudes, wishes and emotions
  • understand and use numbers and quantities in practical situations
  • communicate with good pronunciation and intonation
  • adapt the language to various communication situations
  • use words, sentence structures and text connectors in a varied and appropriate way
  • write cohesive texts in various genres
  • choose listening, speaking, reading and writing strategies that are suitable for the purpose, situation and genre
  • use communication technology to cooperate with others, and to find and interact with authentic language

Language, culture and society

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • discuss and elaborate on aspects of daily life, traditions, customs and ways of living in the language area in question and in Norway
  • discuss and elaborate on aspects of living conditions and current societal relations in the language region
  • elaborate on aspects of the language region's geography and history
  • describe key aspects of the culture in the language region in question and express experiences connected to this
  • discuss and elaborate on how language knowledge and cultural insights can promote multicultural cooperation and understanding


Provisions for final assessment:

Overall achievement grade



Year 10

The pupils shall have one overall achievement grade

Vg2/Vg3 programmes for general studies

The pupils shall have one overall achievement grade

Examinations for pupils



Year 10

The pupils may be selected for an oral examination. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg2 programmes for general studies for pupils of foreign language level II who have had a foreign language at primary/lower secondary school and have continued with the same language in upper secondary education (225 hours).

Vg3 programmes for general studies for pupils of foreign language level II who have had in-depth language studies at primary/lower secondary school and who have therefore started with a foreign language in upper secondary education (365 hours)

The pupils may be selected for a written examination. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally. The examination covers the competence aims for level II.

Vg2 programmes for general studies for pupils of foreign language level I who have had a foreign language at primary/lower secondary school, but who have had another language in upper secondary education as foreign language level I (225 hours).

The pupils may be selected for a written examination. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally. The examination covers the competence aims for level I.

Examinations for external candidates



Year 10

See the provisions in force for primary school education for adults.

Vg2 programmes for general studies for external candidates who have had a foreign language in primary/lower secondary school and who have continued with the same language.

External candidates shall sit for written and oral examinations. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally. The examination covers the competence aims for level II.

Vg3 programmes for general studies for external candidates who have not had a foreign language in primary/lower secondary school

External candidates shall sit for written and oral examinations. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally. The examination covers the competence aims for level II.

Vg2 programmes for general studies for external candidates who have had a foreign language in primary/lower secondary school but who have had another language in upper secondary school

External candidates shall sit for written and oral examinations. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally. The examination covers the competence aims for level I.

The general provisions on assessment have been laid down in the Regulations relating to the Norwegian Education Act.

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