Curriculum for Child Care and Youth Work vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (BUA3-01)


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Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan

After Vg3

Health-promoting work

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • plan and execute measures and activities that promote mental and physical health of children and adolescents
  • carry out measures that can develop children and adolescents abilities to take responsibility for their own health and safety
  • instruct children and adolescents in getting dressed properly for the individual activity, the time of year and weather conditions
  • perform first aid related to the practice of the occupation
  • recommend measures that promote hygiene, sickness prevention and hinder the transmission of disease
  • carry out measures that can contribute to preventing loneliness, bullying and discrimination
  • carry out measures that can contribute to preventing criminality
  • carry out measures that can contribute to preventing the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • identify signs of a lack of parental care and other worrisome conditions, and alert authorities in line with current rules and legislation for this

Communication and interaction

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • communicate and interact with children, adolescents, parents and guardians
  • give help to children and adolescents in order to deal with and develop self-esteem and identityarrange measures that strengthen the ability and willingness of children and adolescents to contribute and take responsibility
  • arrange measures that strengthen the ability and willingness of children and adolescents to contribute and take responsibility
  • instruct children and adolescents in ethical questions
  • use strategies to handle conflicts and guide children and adolescents in handling conflicts
  • cooperate with parents, guardians, colleagues and other collaborators in activities and measures for children and adolescents
  • implement measures that strengthen social competence in children and adolescents
  • discuss and elaborate on the meaning of role models for socialisation processes in children and adolescents

Practice of vocation

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • plan, carry out, evaluate and document educational activities adapted to age, functional level, cultural roots and circumstances in life
  • use observation and motivation as tools in planning and execution of the work
  • carry out activities that stimulate child language skills, intellect, emotions and motor development
  • arrange for play based on the meaning play has for child learning, development and socialisation
  • adapt play, sports and outdoor activities to different seasons, nature and the environment
  • carry out activities related to fine arts and culture
  • help build social networks for children and adolescents together with parents and guardians
  • comply with current rules for the duty of confidentiality and personal information protection
  • prepare food and meals for children and adolescents in line with rules and guidelines for this
  • carry out activities in line with universal design of products and services
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles and current rules for environment, health and safety
  • use digital tools, practice source criticism and respect personal information protection and copyright
  • perform work according to current rules, legislation and guidelines for work ethics

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