Biology - Programme subject in programmes for specialization in general studies (BIO1-01)


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Main subject areas

The Young Biologist

Biology 1

The main subject area deals with the use of biology-specific working methods in ecological fieldwork, investigation and laboratory experimentation. The subject area also involves various environmental challenges, and evaluating information in the media. It also covers the ethical aspects of such problems.

Biology 2

The main subject area deals with the use of subject-specific working methods in ecological fieldwork and laboratory experimentation. The subject area also includes working with various environmental challenges, and evaluation of information in the media. It also covers the ethical aspects of such problems.

Cell biology

The main subject area deals with the complex internal structure of eukaryotic cells, how the various parts function, and transport of material through the cell walls. The subject area also covers the structure and reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

Human physiology

The main subject area deals with different types of tissue, organs and organ systems and how they function. It also deals with the interaction between different processes in the body and the regulation of these processes. The main subject area also covers the body’s natural immune system and problems relating to organ donation.

Function and adaptation

The main subject area deals with the development of life on earth and how this has resulted in a diversity of organisms that display various ways of adapting to different living conditions. Selected features from the structure, function, reproduction and behaviour of organisms are seen in relation to this development.

Biological diversity

The main subject area deals with biological diversity, both locally and globally, and how the threat against biodiversity is one of the great challenges facing mankind today. Other elements in this subject area are the classification of species and the degree of variation within and between populations, as well as the relationship between diversity, habitat and niches.

Energy conversion

The main subject area deals with the fundamental processes and reactions in photosynthesis and cell respiration. It also deals with the role played by enzymes and cofactors in biochemical processes.


The main subject area deals with the structure of the DNA molecule and how it contains the genetic instructions used in the development and function of all living organisms. The subject area also deals with how hereditary patterns can be studied from generation to generation, and how changes in the coding of the DNA molecule can result in mutations and diseases.


The main subject area deals with the development in biotechnology and gene technology, and how this has resulted in new remedies and techniques in the areas of medicine, food production and biological research. The subject area also deals with ethical and environmental challenges associated with the use of biotechnology.


The main subject area deals with the universal interaction between all living organisms, as well as the physical and chemical conditions in which they exist. The subject area also covers criteria that regulate and influence different populations in an ecosystem. Man-made environmental problems also form part of this subject area.


The main subject area deals with how life on earth might have started and how life forms have developed along the way. Central to this programme area is the origin of new species with new characteristics seen in relation to the fundamental mechanisms that can change the genetic composition in populations.

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